I've been doing some housekeeping on the blog. I've added a link list that is in it's infancy but it will grow. I've also changed the about me section a bit because I'd like to broaden the scope of this blog. So much more goes into getting me on the road than trip planning and actually putting rubber to tarmac. There's something you should know about me at this point. I'm short. I've got short legs, short arms, ridiculously small hands and small fat feet. I am not thin. I am no longer terribly unhealthy. I work out, I try to eat right and I try to live my life with joy. It's a journey, a struggle, and on occasion I really want to bash my head against a wall. I struggle with the age that is starting to show on my face, the chub that shows on my body and some really wicked edema on my legs. I love my purple hair and I love my sense of style. I love my life and most of the time I love myself. But I often really, really hate the motorcycle industry. Especially the gear industry. I'm 5'2" and around 300 pounds with a 24 inch inseam. Fit me in gear I dare you.
To be a rider and to buy gear you must be: male, of medium height and of middling build and not over 300 pounds. I am none of those things. Recently there has been a surge of gear made for women but very little of it will fit me. I have learned to make do. To endlessly hunt for jackets, boots, and pants that fit .
It occurs to me that I can't be the only person who struggles with gear. So, with the encouragement of Mr. Man, I want to do a series of blog posts on gear and places that I've found it. Because, if you can learn from my struggle maybe I can save you some heartache and endless hours on google. Do I have perfect solutions? Um....no, not really. There are only two companies that make jackets that will remotely fit me and no women's pants are made in my size. No. Pants. Are. Made. Anywhere. No one makes boots that will fit my short foot, wide width, tall instep and extreme calves.
Since it's winter and not much riding is going on in some parts, I may also do some reviews of items I've found to make packing easier. We'll see. I've set a goal of a post a week. Let's see how I do.
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