As the song goes, "So kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again/ It's been a long, long time."
This was the love song I sang to Nightngale the morning as she and I followed Mr. Man out of the driveway and down the road at long last. We are blessed with a three day weekend so we gathered some friends and headed to Kerrville for some motorcycle fun. I was a sad panda a bit because Zippo and Spyderman weren't able to join us but we did have Union Jack and The Billy Goat Gruff. We also took the opportunity to invite a few friends out who are newer riders. Ender joined us on her Vulcan and we had two others join us on BMW Airheads who I haven't blog named yet. I'm still working on that. Union Jack actually had trouble with his battery this morning so he and The Billy Goat Gruff met us out here once that all got sorted.
I've chosen the delightful Inn of the Hills as our home base for this trip. It's clean and not too expensive and there is food and drinks attatched to the hotel. We had a great ride out and just got back from a lovely dinner. I've got just enough time for a short blog before I go to bed. And that's been the thing with my life lately (by lately I mean the last year). I've only got a very limited amout of time and too many things to do. I took on a board position in the social club I belong to so I have real obligations I have to meet. I'm still the Librarian of the Women's Chorus I sing in and I was recently moved to join a church. Also, I do work. So real obligations are happening and I don't have any time to ride. This weekend has become so very important to me. It's the first riding I've done since last summer and the first time I've been able to get my brain to unspool since June. Just me and my girl and some like minded friends on a long winding road into the hills. Then time in the pool to cool down and time around a table to share food and stories. Now time in the quiet of the room with no sound except the keyboard and the sight of Mr. Man lounging on the bed playing a game on his tablet. Life stripped of all complications, all obligations, all responsibilites. Tomorrow holds the promise of warm weather and sweet twisty roads. It's about damn time.